Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Tune in the Breeze...

So I was listening to Matisyahu’s new song – So High So Low. I have to explain: I’ve been a fan of Matis for almost three years now, and let me tell you, I love his music! But it isn’t just the style of music he uses, or his rhythms, although they are catchy and make you want to move; but what mostly catch my attention are his lyrics!
Like “...from the forest itself comes the handle for the ax...”, or “…a whirlwind of praise from below to above…”, they are lyrics that carry sustenance, a message; now that’s what I love most about Matis’ music. Listening to the song So High So Low – I was immediately struck by the part that says: “…I’ve been searching for the shade of a Tree…I heard about it through the Tune in the Breeze…”
As soon as I heard that line, I knew exactly what he was talking about; it reminded me of the movie August Rush, where the little boy says – “music is everywhere”. Jewish Mysticism teaches that all of G-d’s Creation sings praises and acknowledgement to the Creator; the trees sing, the birds, the grass, and yes, even the wind.
A few days ago I was reading at the NASA website about a recent discovery; after sending the Cassini spacecraft to explore the planet Saturn, they found that the rings of such planet can transmit radio waves that make sounds. I listened to them, and although they resemble sound effects from a Sci-Fi movie, I was simply amazed, and quickly remembered what David says in Psalms 148:3-4“Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies”.
I’ve noticed than in more than one song, Matis refers to such “tune in the wind”, songs like -Time of Your Song “…The world is moving to the song I hear, Who’s that singing wind is rushing in my ear…” and Aish Tamid“…My insides rise I start to feel paralyzed; Let out a sigh-a melody blew by- like an ancient war crythe way the sunlight hit the trees it really caught my eye, glistening' listening' to the breeze dancing' through the leaves, freeze, the city move's in slow motion like a dream…” He gives us a brief reference, as if hinting the importance of keeping an ear open to such “tune”; but in this new song – So High So Low – he gives it to us straight out.
As if telling everyone, music is everywhere…all you got to do is pay attention; keep an ear open and have your soul ready to listen…and you just might catch that “tune in the breeze”.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Rosh HaShana / Yom Teruah and the Ten Days of Awe

Rosh HaShana is a day of celebration, a day of feasting and spending time with your family and fellow congregants at Shul. Ours was not different from any other. I prepared my home with great diligence, and must admit a lot of excitment. I prepared the meal, which by the way, was delicious! Being a Hispanic Jew, the obvious rice and beans could not be absent from my table; I baked a delicious chicken with Teriyaki/Honey sauce, and also baked a carrot cake, and a pumpkin bread. Sweets were not absent in our home either. I had apples, with 2 differents types of honey, a pomegranate, sweet and delicious Rashi Wine, and our raisin Challah! (all part of a traditional Rosh HaShanna table). We recited our blessings and off we went to our Synagogue. It was packed! First time I see so many in such a small place. The environment was festive, the Rabbi had his white robe on, live music, and dancing!!! Everyone was happy to be there!
But Rosh HaShana isn't just a time of celebration and eating. It is also a time of retrospection; it is a time to reflect on our past actions and attitudes
throughout the year. For me it was more like a safe haven. A time to forget everything that is going around me. Forgetting the grim news about the economy in our Country, forgetting the ineptitude of our Government and concentrating on what is more important. Concentrating in my spiritual life. Re-examining my soul, and seeking for hidden sins, or unforgiveness. As I celebrated, I couldn't help but think of all the people that I might have offended in some way, or hurt, or dissapointed. I realized I needed to do Teshuvah.

Teshuvah in Hebrew means "to return" , but it is often interpreted as "repentance". Analizing this, I must admit there is similarity in both. In order to repent we must return to the place we first sinned, fix the damage, and start anew. This new year I have decided to follow His Path - the Path that HaShem has set before me and my family. I will continue to serve Him and observe his Holy Feast as He has commanded us to do so. I have already began my process of introspection, and have begun asking for forgivennes. Right now we are in the Ten days of Teshuva, where we make sure that there is no hidden sin, no rock unturned inside the dessert of our souls; we must search deep inside those roots of unforgivennes and bitterness, and ask HaShem to set us free, to forgive us, and to write our names in the Book of Life. Listening to the Shofar I realized the great importance it has! It is not just to play the Shofar in front of the congregation. It is playing the Shofar out of obedience, because He commanded us to do so. The sound of the Shofar has two purposes: 1- it reminds G-d that we are His children, and beg for His merciful judgement. 2- it confusses HaSatan from the accusations he takes in front of the Throne of Glory, and makes him silent!
I invite you to take advantage of these days of Grace that we are given, and ask for forgivennes; make Teshuvah, return to your natural state of righteousness, and be free!!!